Connection and Sensitivity

I'm a rather cientific guy, I like math, proofs, physics, and computer science. I also like arts, drawing, music, gaming, and of course, martial arts.

In this post I'll elaborate on my current understanding of the basics of taijiquan's body mechanics, basically, how to make someone "bounce". Hopefully they will help someone in the same struggle. Note that everything written on my blog is my current understanding. It might change tomorrow. See what works for you.


The bounce, or like we call it in our school (Ma Tsun Kuen) "making someone float", is roughly archieving a strong conection with the ground, as well as another person. Basically, this is bouncing:

A strong connection to the ground is core in taijiquan. There is no technique where you aren't grounded. Besides connecting to the ground, there's also connection in the body, all the body parts move at once, in sync, without waste, without force, though relaxation.

What's more, you not only have to connect to the ground and yourself, but with the enemy. When you touch the enemy's body, you must be able to feel his weight, his intention, his force, his direction, his structure... all of that and even more, in a fraction of a second.

Doing that with

With time, the connection to the ground will be better and better, and eventually, you'll find a point where it's just comfortable, it gives you a solid base to resist and bounce any incoming force, as long as you are relaxed enough.

Initially, of course, this connection is pretty weak. You get pushed easily, but the more you seek it, you'll find it stronger and stronger. I feels like a tail, going from the lower spine, the coccyx, all the way to the ground, or a wall, against your back, making the other person bounce away.

With the mind on the dantian, breathing, relaxation and though zhan zhuang -- also known as mabu or mapu -- eventially the feeling will develop.

Relaxing the muscles gives you more sensitivity. Sensitivity is required in order to make the other person bounce. Your body must learn to align properly, and connect any force, in every move, anywhere in the body, to the ground.

That's why it's said to be a sphere, all expansion in taijiquan is circular. Every movements follows a curve, the curve of a circle, which makes up a sphere.
